
DEFINITION OF A VETERAN: A veteran – whether active duty, retired, National Guard or Reserve – is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to and including my life.”

Freehold Enterprises and family would like to extend with a heartfelt admiration and say “Thank You” to all veterans for their service and sacrifices.

Official U.S. Military Phonetic Alphabet

Character — Telephony — Pronunciation

A — Alpha — AL-FAH                                   N — November — NO-VEM-BER
B — Bravo — BRAH-VOH                            O — Oscar — OSS-CAH
C — Charlie — CHAR-LEE                            P — Papa — PAH-PAH
D — Delta — DELL-TAH                               Q — Quebec — KEH-BECK
E — Echo — ECK-OH                                    R — Romeo — ROW-ME-OH
F — Foxtrot — FOKS-TROT                          S — Sierra — SEE-AIR-RAH
G — Golf — GOLF                                         T — Tango — TANG-GO
H — Hotel — HOH-TEL                                U — Uniform — YOU-NEE-FORM
I — India — IN-DEE-AH                                V — Victor — VIK-TAH
J — Juliet — JEW-LEE-ETT                             W — Whiskey — WISS-KEY
K — Kilo — KEY-LOH                                    X — X-Ray — ECKS-RAY
L — Lima — LEE-MAH                                  Y — Yankee –YANG-KEY
M — Mike –MIKE                                           Z — Zulu –ZOO-LOO